Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"I know now that was the day I was picked and being picked is a beautiful thing. But I also know beautiful things are frightening. When something beautiful happens it’s sometimes like an amputation, like your heart is being cut out with a knife. You don’t ever think when you are in extreme pain that you are being saved, chosen, picked for relationship, set aside to be loved. You can never really believe pain. It’s almost always something beautiful transitioning to something better, the whole time masquerading as a tragedy." Donald Miller

The Little Black Reign Cloud of God

I am praying for them, but not for those who belong to this world. My followers belong to you, and I am praying for them. All that I have is yours, and all that you have is mine, and they will bring glory to me. Holy Father, I am no longer in the world. I am coming to you, but my followers are still in the world. So keep them safe by the power of the name that you have given me. Then they will be one with each other, just as you and I are one. John 17
Grek2sday, Luke 12:49-56, Gonna Make you Sweat, End Things, Casting Fire, God is Angry, What is the Baptism, Romans 6 is Awesome, How Great is My Blank, Emo Jesus Being Committed, Goldmine Greek Words, the Last Day Come Early, On Your Mind 2, Wrath of the King Makes for a Lot of Long Division,

Hate those sacred cows

Angela Young I want to know where we can ask the questions; seek the truth with all our hearts, together? I HATE those sacred cows. "I am praying for ...my followers (who) belong to you...THEY WILL BRING GLORY TO ME... I am coming to you, but my followers are still in the world. So keep them safe by the power of the name that you have given me. Then they will be ONE WITH EACH OTHER, just as you and I are one."
2 hours ago · Privacy: · ·
    • Angela Young John 17. The last words Jesus spoke must be weighty words. I so want to see with new eyes, hear as if for the first time, the words of Jesus, and believe only Him. i hate religion. Just step on their sacred cows and you will see how much faith Jesus had when He prayed those words. Oh how we need our eyes opened to His truths, the Living Word, seeking to know the truth that sets us free. I am His follower.Lord help me follow only You, desire to please only You, forsake all others.

Three breves, six hours, French toast, fried rice, and a bowl of cherries later, I am still thinking. You might not want to talk to me today, or tomorrow, or soon for that matter; at least not until I have engaged in enough mindless activities to neutralize the poisonous byproducts of thoughtful consideration. 59 years.
29 minutes ago · Privacy: · ·
    • Angela Young Yes 59 years, and I seem to be one of the few who are seriously concerned. NO I don't think I am "up here, and everyone else is down there". But I am concerned. And I cannot just be okay with it because it is convenient.
      29 minutes ago · ·
    • Angela Young
      I just couldn't be a good ^#*@^+*, and then I wasn't a good non-&#*)@&%$(^#., so I tried to be a good &#, even went to their school, where I stirred the pot and was almost cooked in it! Now I am not good enough either. I just can't seem to "tow the line" ." I question that", a lot. I think, I even dare to believe I SHOULD think. I know this is risky business. I don't think I am better than others, in fact I am not good at all, just desiring to share, fellowship, ah! Eek! Yikes! Be friends (you know, like those people you see who like each other more than just "love" each other.
      22 minutes ago · ·
    • Angela Young No holds barred, speak your heart and out come the labels. No lack of them either. "Wounded" poor wounded soul crying out for someone to hear them. "Arrogant" daring to question. "Lonely" seeking attention. (I can't plead entirely not guilty to that one. Silly me, I actually believe we could enjoy the attention of one another without being just sad, needy, depressed, emotional, "mental" Ha! "Tio Nannu" Silly Nannu.
      17 minutes ago · ·
    • Angela Young I am going to copy, paste into my blog, and delete these posts so if you happen to see them just realize they will go away, just like I will, and not haunt you but for a moment. When "visited by the muse" (Dr.B) I write, then, coward that I am, hit the wonderful DELETE button. Perhaps we need the HELP button on facebook. Okay I am going to stop, paste, and delete as I promised. Thankfully few will ever read what I am writing here.
      13 minutes ago · ·

Sunday, January 18, 2009

You Don't Have to DO It, You DO Have to SAY It!

All power has a source. It changes form but all power, energy, already exists in some form according to the third law of thermal dynamics, to conserve power, power does not disappear, it is just transformed.

Praise doesn't originate with you, you are just saying what God says in His word. The power He released flowed through your mouth. The power of praise is the power of God spoken through our mouths agreeing with "as it already is in heaven."

In the beginning God created with the words of His mouth, not with His hands. He spoke the Worlds into existence. That is how He releases His power.

David said, "I will bless the LORD at all times. His praise will continually be in my mouth." The praise comes from HIM, not from David.

God's Word is already settled in heaven, fulfilled by the self-fulfilling power of His WORD.
Our words spoken in agreement with His words release the power of His Word into our lives and circumstances.

When you speak His Word, His power is transmitted through your voice..."Let there be...Light in the places we need light!"

"LET' releases the Word, agrees with God
"THERE" directs the Word to the place the power is needed
"BE" establishes the Word according to His Kingdom principles, plans, and power.

Pray, speak, specifically to the exact point of need...
"Let there be Healing in my body so pain, sickness, and disease will cease!"
Right now! At 2:50 PM Sunday afternoon, let there be healing
Specific to the need, right where I and praying, believing, looking!

When Joshua led the people around the walls of Jericho, God had shown him the battle was a spiritual battle, Jericho was the stronghold, the battle was to be fought with words of praise, releasing supernatural power against the stronghold. The weapons they were to take up were not weapons of their hand, to lift there hand to do battle. No. Their weapons were the spoken word, agreeing with God who He is and what He is to accomplish, His will to be done against the strong walls of resistance.

Those walls did not crumble, or implode, or explode, they were laid flat - uprooted! Plucked up at the root! We need God to deal with the root of our problems so the problems doesn't spring up again, uprooted, laid flat, destroyed! That is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning our lives and our battles against the strongholds of our lives!

God doesn't work with His hands, He works with His voice. It is not what we can do, but what we say in agreement with His Word.

This is so powerful that God entrusts our salvation to this principle, this power: Rom 10:9 "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is the Lord and believe in your heart that (the power of) God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (rescued, delivered, healed)" ..."with your mouth confession is made unto salvation"...with your MOUTH, not anything you can do.

Faith in God's power, Believe in your heart, and speak it out of your mouth, and you will have a supernatural experience that is real - that will save your for all eternity.

God tells us if you will say the same thing I say and believe I have the power to perform it, you will have a personal supernatural experience! Confess with YOUR mouth, Believe in YOUR heart, and you SHALL be delivered! This is a revelation of personal deliverance.

(This was taken in part from a message by David Evans, "The Power of Revelation")

I hope this blesses you and brings freedom from our oppressors to us in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who desires to bless us with all the fullness of heaven's blessings as far as we can believe.